Alabama’s Expungement Law
means a chance to
Clear Your Record

Welcome to, your source for important information about getting your past Alabama arrest records and criminal court records expunged under Alabama’s new 2014 expungement law. This service is brought to you by the Price Law Firm, a North Alabama law firm dedicated to helping people who were arrested and charged with a crime in Alabama, but whose charges were resolved in their favor, expunge (zap, clear or erase) the records of those charges.

In this site you will find answers to your questions about what Alabama’s new expungement law offers, the incredible benefits of an expunged record, who is eligible for expungement, and the steps you must take to take advantage of the incredible opportunity that expungement offers. Our attorney has decades of experience defending the rights and reputations of people charged with crimes in Alabama.

We have helped thousands of people avoid convictions, and now we want to help you clear or zap your record. If you were arrested or charged with a crime in Alabama that was ultimately resolved in your favor, we would love to meet with you one-on-one to discuss your situation and how we can help get your arrest and criminal court records expunged. Please contact us today.